Zimbabwe gets another first in the fight against HIV in Africa 2022

Zimbabwe achieves HIV History in Africa

In the month of October, Zimbabwe made history by being the first nation on the African continent to give its stamp of approval to the HIV preventive medicine known as cabotegravir.

Zimbabwe achieves HIV history

A Zimbabwean woman of 32 years of age who wished to remain anonymous stated that she was given an injection of HIV prevention medicine when she was working in the United States. She requested that her identification not be revealed.

Since she was diagnosed with HIV, she had been on a daily regimen of HIV prophylaxis medication. However, once she was given the shot in April, and given that it has been sanctioned in Zimbabwe, she is hoping to have the injection every two months from now on.

She expressed her delight to VOA by saying, “I am happy that there is Cabo in Zimbabwe.” “It is excellent news. If I had to choose between the pill and the injection, I would go with the injection because it is more convenient. In contrast to the pill, which must be swallowed at the same time each day and must be taken no matter what, you just need to have a shot once every two months.

However, because there are so many things that might go wrong during the day, there is a chance that you will forget to take the pill. In real life, there is a possibility that you will attend a wake but will leave your medication at home. In comparison to taking the medication in tablet form, receiving this injection requires you to get a shot once every two months, for a total of six injections each year.”

The first African nation to give its blessing to the usage of cabotegravir, also known as CAB-LA, is Zimbabwe. The drug was given the green light in the United States in December of 2021, while in Australia it wasn’t until August of 2022.

In 1999, Zimbabwe implemented a 3 percent AIDS fee to assist the country in meeting the financial demands of its anti-HIV and anti-AIDS efforts. Taxes on income are paid by individuals at a rate of three percent, while taxes on profits are paid by employers and trusts at the same rate.

The World Health Organization has applauded Zimbabwe for its decision to approve cabotegravir, noting that the move will pave the door for the provision of additional HIV prevention options that are both safe and effective.

According to Farai Masekela, who is the head of evaluation and registration for the Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe, or MCAZ, cabotegravir is now only permitted for use in the prevention of HIV and not in the treatment of the virus.

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According to Masekela’s explanation, “There are going to be other preparations containing cabotegravir, and they may be filed at a later time by the applicants or makers of the product which will be used for treatment.” “There is going to be another preparation including cabotegravir,” “However, the one that is currently being used, which has already been licensed, is only intended for HIV prevention and not treatment.”

The director of the Clinical Trials Research Center at the University of Zimbabwe, Dr. Nyaradzo Mgodi, who oversaw testing in nine different African nations and reported that the medication was very successful, is urging the government of Zimbabwe to implement cabotegravir as soon as feasible.

“Because as African women, we continue to receive HIV/AIDS at alarming rates,” Mgodi explained, “and one infection is one too many.” When we have something in our possession that is shown to be effective, we ought to make it accessible to whoever or whoever is in need of it.

Those in favor of legalization argue that it will reduce Zimbabweans’ reliance on the pharmaceutical industries of other nations to treat HIV/AIDS-related illnesses.

HIV/AIDS in Zimbabwe Click Here


Which town has the highest rate of HIV in Zimbabwe?

Beitbridge (46%), Victoria Falls (42.6%) and Mutare (37.7%).

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