Top 10 Home Remedies for Migraine

Top 10 Home Remedies for Migraine: A migraine is not a small headache. The one who has a migraine knows his troubles. Many people around the world are troubled by migraine. Migraines affect over a billion people around the world and over 39 million people in the United States of America. Migraine is a neurological condition that can affect people of all ages. Migraine is not just a headache, you may experience vomiting, sensitivity to sound and light, pulsing sensation, and pain. When a migraine attack comes, a person can do anything to drive it away.

Top 10 Home Remedies for Migraine

Top 10 Home remedies for Migraine
Top 10 Home remedies for Migraine

A few principal factors causing migraines are smoking, liquor, sensitivities, stress, bright lights, dehydration, loud noises, not having enough sleep, solid scents, skipping dinners, poor posture, hormonal variances, and low blood sugar. Symptoms of migraines are much of the time clear like shivering in the legs and arms, nausea, vomiting, crabbiness, food desires, constipation, a firm neck, and continuous yawning. If you are experiencing migraines and you are searching for home remedies for them that work successfully and rapidly, then this article is valuable for you.

Top 10 Home remedies for Migraine
Top 10 Home remedies for Migraine

The top 10 Home Remedies for Migraine are as follows:


If you want to get relief from nausea then you have to consume ginger. Ginger also gives relief from nausea caused by migraine. As per the 2020 studies review, the study found evidence that ginger may have beneficial activity against migraine. Ginger can obstruct prostaglandins, which are chemical compounds advancing muscle contractions, regulating inflammation in your brain’s blood vessels, and affecting hormones.

You have to drink ginger tea a few times during the day till you get help. You need to ensure that you drink it when your migraine starts. Essentially, you can bite a piece of fresh ginger root. It will reduce symptoms of migraine. As per the Phytotherapy Research study of 2013, ginger can prove effective in the cure of common migraine symptoms at home.

Stress Management

Stress can trigger the symptoms of migraine. It might try and make a cycle, in which a headache worsens the stress, which then triggers another migraine. As per the American Headache Society, more than 80 % of people with migraine report stress being a migraine trigger. Figuring out how to better manage your stress may help you decrease migraine recurrence. Whenever the situation allows, best to restrict circumstances that can prompt stress. Finding outlets, for example, journaling, exercise, and meditation might help. Other stress relief methodologies could incorporate taking a warm bath, listening to songs, listening to binaural beats or relaxing music, and working on breathing techniques and mental imagery. Certain individuals find stress management classes helpful.

Ice pack

One of the most famous and easy home remedies for migraine is using an ice pack. Ice is easily available because you will find it inside your fridge at home. Ice has a numbing effect which relieves pain caused by a migraine attack. You can wrap a few ice cubes in a single clean towel, then put it behind your neck or forehead for around 10 to 15 minutes. As often as is required, you should repeat the steps.

Lavender Oil

Lavender oil may ease migraine pain, let’s see how. There are different types of methods to make Lavender oil. You can just smell the Lavender oil, which is the easiest method to take it. You can put some drops of Lavender oil on tissue paper and inhale it. Another method is you can put 2-3 drops of Lavender oil into the boiling water, two cups of water are enough for the process, and inhale the steam. Another method is to mix the Lavender oil with Olive oil or Almond oil, then apply the mixture on your forehead and massage your forehead. Lavender oil might help you relieve headaches, anxiety, and stress.

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A 2021 literature review observed that 10 kinds of essential oil contain components that could help ease migraine symptoms. The essential oils are lavender, peppermint, chamomile, and basil. A 2020 survey of studies distributed in the journal Phytotherapy Exploration analyzed the capacity of different herbal treatments, including lavender treatment for migraine. The authors tracked down blended or limited proof to help the utilization of butterbur and feverfew for treating migraine. A 2016 randomized controlled study found proof that 3 months of lavender treatment as a prophylactic treatment, meaning taken before a migraine attack starts, reduced the recurrence and severity of migraine attacks. But the research is still limited to some extent.


Yoga utilizes breathing, body postures, and meditation to advance well-being and prosperity. A 2015 study found yoga might ease the recurrence, duration, and force of migraine attacks. Yoga helps improve vascular health and mental health. A 2014 study compared conventional migraine treatment with or without regular yoga practice. The analysts found that the gathering who took part in yoga had more prominent alleviation than the gathering who got traditional treatment alone. Members did yoga 5 days a week for a sum of about a month and a half. The specialists found that yoga could be valuable as a reciprocal treatment for treating migraine.


Massaging your muscles in the shoulder and neck may ease tension and reduce migraine pain. Massage may also help in reducing stress. Massage may reduce migraine recurrence. Migraine is related to low serotonin in the brain, and massage helps in increasing serotonin. There’s limited proof to help the utilization of massage for migraine relief, however, it’s generally safe and has a low risk of side effects. You can take the help of a professional massager or you could do it by yourself.

Avoid Certain Foods or Beverages

Some foods and beverages triggers migraine attack. You must avoid such foods.

Here is the list of foods and beverages you must avoid

  • Processed and Pickled foods
  • Chocolate and ice-cream
  • Alcohol
  • Foods rich in nitrates, including deli meats, hot dogs, sausage and bacon
  • Foods that contain monosodium glutamate
  • Dairy products like yogurt, sour cream, and buttermilk

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper is one of the best home remedies for migraines because it stimulates circulation and improves blood flow. The capsaicin compound present in the cayenne pepper acts as a natural painkiller. Take one cup of water then add 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper, add honey or lemon juice to improve the taste, and drink it as needed.


Cloves are rich in antioxidants. Using clove as a home remedy for migraine work well. Clove contains cooling and pain-relieving properties. You can either apply clove oil on your forehead or else you can inhale its fragrance, both work well.


Cinnamon is very good for migraine attacks and that’s cinnamon is included in the list of Top Ten home remedies for migraine. Cinnamon may help to reduce the symptoms of migraine. Make powder cinnamon, then add water to it and make it a thick paste. Apply the paste to your forehead. Leave it for 30 minutes, after that rinse it off with water.

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What causes migraines?

The exact cause of migraines is not yet fully understood, but it is believed to be a combination of genetic, environmental, and neurological factors. Some triggers that can contribute to migraines include stress, hormonal changes, certain foods and drinks, changes in sleep patterns, and sensory stimuli.

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