Pitted Keratolysis Treatment at Home

Pitted Keratolysis Treatment at Home: The overgrowth of germs is what causes the skin ailment known as pitted keratolysis, which manifests itself on the feet’s soles. Little, shallow pits appear on the skin, and a rotten-egg stench and profuse sweating are common symptoms. Although pitting keratolysis is not life-threatening, it can be embarrassing and painful for those who have it. Thankfully, pitting keratolysis can be treated with a variety of home treatments.

Pitted Keratolysis Treatment at Home

Pitted Keratolysis Treatment at Home
Pitted Keratolysis Treatment at Home

Here are some of the Pitted Keratolysis Treatment at Home

Keep Your Feet Clean and Dry

When dealing with pitted keratolysis, the first step is to make sure your feet are always dry and clean. Drying your feet regularly is an effective way to stop the spread of bacteria. Follow these steps to ensure that your feet remain dry:

  • Apply deodorant or powder to prevent sweaty feet. You can keep your feet dry with the help of these items because they absorb moisture and reduce sweating.
  • Invest in a pair of socks that can wick away sweat. Socks that drain sweat away from the skin can be found in bamboo, wool, and synthetic fibres.
  • Socks and footwear should be changed frequently. Socks should be changed daily, and shoes should be rotated out every other day to prevent odor buildup.

Apply Topical Treatments

Pitted keratolysis can be treated with a variety of topical medications. These remedies are effective because they eliminate the odor while also eradicating the bacteria that cause the disease. The following are examples of useful topical treatments:

  • Natural oil of tea tree: Antimicrobial qualities found in tea tree oil aid in the elimination of the microorganisms responsible for pitted keratolysis. Massage a few drops of tea tree oil into the sore spots on your feet.
  • The use of an Epsom salt solution: Pitted keratolysis can cause an unpleasant odour, however, soaking your feet in warm water containing Epsom salt can alleviate this problem. Soak your tired feet in a basin of warm water containing half a cup of Epsom salt for 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Soak in vinegar: Pitted keratolysis can be treated by soaking the affected foot in a mix of vinegar and water, which can destroy the germs responsible for the condition. Soak your feet in a basin of warm water containing a quarter cup of white vinegar for 15 to 20 minutes.

Use Over-The-Counter Products

The symptoms of pitted keratolysis can be treated with several over-the-counter medications. Products like these are effective because they eliminate the odour while also eliminating the bacteria that cause the ailment. Products available in local drugstores that work include:

  • Antibacterial soaps: Pitted keratolysis can be prevented by washing with antibacterial soap, which eliminates the microorganisms responsible for the condition. Soaps with benzoyl peroxide or triclosan may help.
  • Antifungal creams: Antifungal creams can help treat pitted keratolysis, even though the condition is not caused by a fungal infection. The microorganisms that cause pitted keratolysis are eliminated by using these lotions. You should try to get a lotion that contains either miconazole or clotrimazole.
  • Aluminum chloride: You can keep your feet dry and prevent perspiration by using an antiperspirant containing aluminum chloride. Use it once a day on your feet to alleviate the discomfort of pitted keratolysis.

Try Natural Remedies

Pitted keratolysis has several natural therapies that can help with the symptoms. Both the bacteria that cause the disease and the smell associated with it can be eliminated with these treatments. The following are examples of useful natural remedies:

  • Garlic: Pitted keratolysis can be treated with garlic because of its antibacterial qualities. Put some garlic paste on your feet by crushing a couple of garlic cloves. After 30 minutes of application, remove the cloth and rinse your feet with warm water to remove the garlic paste.
  • Baking powder: The stench caused by pitted keratolysis can be mitigated with the use of baking soda, which has natural deodorizing effects. Make a paste by combining 1–2 tablespoons of baking soda with water, and then rub it into your foot. Wait 10 to 15 minutes, then wash the paste off with warm water.
  • Aloe Vera: Pitted keratolysis can be treated with aloe vera because of its antibacterial qualities. Rinse your feet with warm water after applying fresh aloe vera gel and leaving it on for 15-20 minutes.
  • Turmeric: The anti-inflammatory and antibacterial qualities of turmeric may aid in treating pitted keratolysis. Apply a paste made from one to two tablespoons of turmeric and water to your foot. Ten to fifteen minutes after applying the paste, wash it off with warm water.

Practice Good Foot Hygiene

Pitted keratolysis can be prevented and the severity of its symptoms lessened by maintaining clean feet. A few steps towards clean feet are:

  • Soap and water foot washing regularly.
  • After cleansing your feet, make sure you dry them completely, focusing on the spaces between your toes.
  • Putting on a pair of fresh, dry socks each day.
  • Wearing shoes like sandals or sneakers with mesh panels so your feet can breathe.
  • Throughout the day, take a few minutes to kick off your shoes and give your feet a breath of fresh air.

Pitted keratolysis is an unsightly and somewhat unpleasant disorder, but its symptoms can be treated at home. Foot hygiene measures such as keeping feet clean and dry, applying topical treatments, utilizing over-the-counter medications, experimenting with natural cures, and so on can all help alleviate symptoms. If your symptoms do not improve or perhaps worsen while under self-care, it is recommended that you consult a medical expert.

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Things to Consider other than Pitted Keratolysis Treatment at Home

Changes in diet, exercise, and sleep routine can all aid in the control of pitted keratolysis symptoms with the aforementioned medical interventions. Some examples of these modifications are:

  • Eating healthy regularly can help you fight off infections and lessen the severity of your pitted keratolysis symptoms. Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, lean protein, whole grains, and healthy fats to maintain good health.
  • When you exercise consistently, your blood flows better and you perspire less, reducing your risk of acquiring the bacteria that cause pitted keratolysis. Daily exercise of at least 30 minutes duration at a moderate level, such as brisk walking, is recommended.
  • Avoiding stress: An impaired immune system increases vulnerability to illness. Stress can be controlled by practicing relaxation methods like deep breathing, meditation, or yoga.
  • Don’t wear shoes that are too constricting: Sweating and a damp environment favorable to bacterial growth are also side effects of wearing shoes that are too small. Choose a pair of shoes that doesn’t pinch and has enough ventilation.
  • Pitted keratolysis is more likely to occur if you share towels, socks, or shoes with someone else. You should always use what you own and never lend it out.

It’s worth noting that while home treatments for pitted keratolysis can help alleviate symptoms, they may not solve the problem entirely. Get professional medical help if your symptoms do not improve or if they linger for more than a few days. To alleviate your symptoms, they may suggest using prescription drugs or undergoing expert treatments like laser therapy or chemical peels.

Finally, pitted keratolysis is a disorder commonly affecting the feet that can be treated with good cleanliness, topical therapies, and behavioral modifications. The severity of your symptoms can be mitigated and your foot health, in general, can be improved by using the aforementioned advice and treatments. Talk to a doctor if you’re experiencing symptoms of pitted keratolysis and want individualized guidance on how to treat them.

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