Nasal Vestibulitis Home Remedies

Nasal Vestibulitis Home Remedies: Nasal vestibulitis is a common problem that affects the nose’s inner lining. It is an inflammation of the nasal vestibule, which is the area right inside the sinuses. Nasal vestibulitis can be caused by bacterial or fungal diseases, allergies, or things that irritate the nose. Redness, swelling, pain, and itching can all be signs of nasal vestibulitis. Luckily, there are a few things you can do at home to help relieve the symptoms of nasal vestibulitis. In this article, we’ll talk about some of the best Nasal Vestibulitis Home Remedies.

Nasal Vestibulitis Home Remedies
Nasal Vestibulitis Home Remedies

What is Nasal Vestibulitis?

Nasal vestibulitis is an inflammation of the nasal vestibule, which is the space just inside the sinuses. It can be caused by bacterial or fungal diseases, allergies, or things that irritate the skin. Redness, swelling, pain, and itching can all be signs of nasal vestibulitis. Inside the nose, nasal vestibulitis can also cause scabs to form.

Causes of Nasal Vestibulitis

Many things can cause nasal vestibulitis, such as:

Bacterial or fungal infections

The most common cause of nasal vestibulitis is a bacterial or fungal infection. The most common bacterial infection that causes nasal vestibulitis is Staphylococcus aureus. The most common fungal infection that causes nasal vestibulitis is Aspergillus.


Dust, pollen, and other irritants in the surroundings can cause allergies that can lead to nasal vestibulitis.


Tobacco smoke, air pollution, and chemicals are all examples of things that can cause nasal vestibulitis.

Nasal Vestibulitis Home Remedies

Several Nasal Vestibulitis home remedies can help to alleviate the symptoms of nasal vestibulitis. Here are some of the best Nasal Vestibulitis Home Remedies.

Warm Compress

A warm compress can help reduce swelling and redness in the opening of the nose. Soak a clean cloth in warm water and squeeze out the extra water to make a warm compress. Put the warm compress on your nose and hold it there for 10 to 15 minutes. A warm Compress should be done several times a day.

Saline Solution

A liquid solution can help clean out your nose and reduce swelling. Mix a teaspoon of salt with a cup of warm water to make a salty solution. Put the saline solution in each nose with a dropper. Saline Solution should be done several times a day.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil can help fight the infection that causes nasal vestibulitis because it kills germs and fungi. A few drops of tea tree oil should be mixed with carrier oil like coconut oil or olive oil. Use a cotton swab to put the mixture on the inside of your nose.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory qualities that can help reduce swelling and inflammation in the nasal vestibule. Use a cotton swab to put a small amount of aloe vera gel on the inside of your nose.


Turmeric can help reduce swelling and inflammation in the nasal vestibule because it has anti-inflammatory qualities. Mix a teaspoon of turmeric powder into a glass of warm milk. You should drink the mix once a day.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar can help fight the infection that causes nasal vestibulitis because it kills germs and fungi. Pour warm water into a glass and add one spoonful of apple cider vinegar. You should drink the mix once a day.


Honey can help fight the illness that causes nasal vestibulitis because it kills bacteria. A glass of warm water should be added to a spoonful of honey. You should drink the mix once a day.

Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus oil can help reduce swelling and inflammation in the nasal vestibule because it has anti-inflammatory qualities. Mix a few drops of eucalyptus oil with carrier oil like coconut oil or olive oil. Use a cotton swab to put the mixture on the inside of your nose.

Steam Inhalation

Inhaling steam can help get rid of stuffiness and swelling in the nasal vestibule. After bringing a pot of water to a boil, turn off the burner. Lean over the pot while wearing a towel over your head. You should inhale the steam for 10 to 15 minutes. This needs to be repeated numerous times each day.

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Ginger can help reduce swelling and inflammation in the nasal vestibule because it has anti-inflammatory qualities. Grate a teaspoon of ginger and add it to a glass of warm water. You should drink the mix once a day.

How to Avoid Nasal Vestibulitis?

There are several things you can do to avoid nasal vestibulitis, such as:

Keep your hands clean: You should wash your hands often to stop germs and viruses from spreading.

Avoid irritants: Stay away from tobacco smoke, air pollution, and other allergens that can cause nasal vestibulitis.

Use a humidifier: Keep the air in your home fresh by using a humidifier. Dry air can hurt the nose, which can lead to a condition called nasal vestibulitis.

Avoid picking your nose: Doing so can hurt the thin skin in the nose’s opening and cause an illness.

Treat allergies: If you have allergies, you should take steps to treat them, like staying away from allergens and taking allergy medicine.

When to See a Doctor

You should see a doctor if your symptoms don’t go away after trying Nasal Vestibulitis Home Remedies or if you get a fever. To fix your nasal vestibulitis, you may need to get a prescription.


Nasal vestibulitis is a common disease that can be caused by several things, such as bacterial or fungal infections, allergies, or irritants. Redness, swelling, pain, and itching can all be signs of nasal vestibulitis. Nasal Vestibulitis Home Remedies like warm cloth, saline solution, tea tree oil, aloe vera, turmeric, apple cider vinegar, honey, eucalyptus oil, steam inhalation, and ginger can all help relieve the symptoms of nasal vestibulitis. You should see a doctor if your symptoms don’t go away after trying Nasal Vestibulitis Home Remedies or if you get a fever.

Video on Nasal Vestibulitis Home Remedies Watch Now


Can nasal vestibulitis home remedies be used to treat nasal vestibulitis?

Yes, several nasal vestibulitis home remedies can help to alleviate the symptoms of nasal vestibulitis, including warm compresses, saline solution, tea tree oil, aloe vera, turmeric, apple cider vinegar, honey, eucalyptus oil, steam inhalation, and ginger.

When should I see a doctor for nasal vestibulitis?

You should see a doctor if your symptoms don’t go away after trying nasal vestibulitis home remedies or if you get a fever. To fix your nasal vestibulitis, you may need to get a prescription.

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