West Nile virus this year leaves Coloradans with more severe sickness. For Coloradans, this is the worst year.

West Nile Virus

West Nile Virus cases in Colorado are at their highest level in almost 19 years. The last time such a bad condition was in 2003.

West Nile Virus reports of serious symptoms and hospitalizations have multiplied since September 2022.

Colorado has 5 year average of 99 cases per year. That is somewhat low compared to historic trends, because of low reports of cases in 2017, 2018, and 2020.

State public health officials have reported total of 195 cases and 13 deaths so far this year due to West Nile Virus.

According to the State public health officials, In 2021, there was a total of 175 cases and 11 deaths. 

The no. of neuroinvasive cases, when infected people develop a severe illness that affects the central nervous system, has reached 122 cases.

In September, health experts warned cases would continue to rise due to higher-than-normal temperatures and a hot, moist summer. 

This virus is most commonly spread through mosquito bites and does not spread through respiratory fluids or droplets.

Health specialists say covering exposed skin while outdoors lowers the risk of contracting the West Nile virus.