Shooting at LGBTQ nightclub in Colorado Springs 2022, At least 5 killed in the shooting. All you need to know.

A shooting on Sunday at an LGBTQ nightclub in Colorado Springs killed an estimated five people and injured another 18.

The alleged shooter, 22-year-old Anderson Lee Aldrich, is in captivity, said Colorado Spring Police Chief Adrian Vasquez at a press conference on Sunday morning.

 When Shooter Anderson Lee Aldrich managed to enter the club on Saturday, he immediately began shooting.

At least 2 patrons confronted and restrained him, according to Vazquez. "We owe them a tremendous debt of gratitude," he said.

According to police, at least 2 firearms were managed to recover at the spot, and a long rifle was used in the shooting. 

According to local district attorney Michael Allen, just one person popped up to be involved in the attack.

According to the New York Times, the attacker was wearing body armor and firing an AR-15-style long gun.

According to officials, approximately 40 police officers reacted to the club's calls for assistance.

Anderson Lee Aldrich, for his part, was receiving medical attention for injuries at a hospital on Sunday.