Ex-RNC Chair Makes Stark Prediction About Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene. All you need to know about this trending news.

Date: 04/12/2022 Sunday Photo: Google/Wikipedia

Former RNC head Michael Steele predicted that Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) will be the next Speaker in all but name.

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Greene and her fellow far-right, Trump-devoted GOP legislators in the House will have huge sway over House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.)

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Greene "will be the most powerful Speaker of the House because she can control what Kevin says," he said.

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"I simply call it what it is," Ex-RNC Michael Steele said further. "I don't sugarcoat anything."    

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"Shadow is what you see, but the thing is what I see. It's a need of the position, as you simply cannot keep her and the work separate when she is

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You are forcing Marjorie Taylor Greene to attend your activities, and when she does, you prop her up.

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Telling her that she will be reinstated to a committee and given a prominent leadership position there. Just do it.

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The then-Democratic-led House removed Greene from committees last year for embracing anti-Semitic and racist conspiracy theories.

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Greene is anticipated to be reinstalled on committees if the GOP flips the House in 2022, as McCarthy promised in 2021.

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